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Lives and Livelihood Fund Partnership complements ISDB's development efforts in Uganda

Uganda is one of the founding members of the IsDB and currently a member of all IsDB Group entities. Shortly after its membership in 1977, Uganda descended into military coups and armed conflicts before achieving territorial and regime stability in 1986. The perennial crises caused irreversible damage to the economy, infrastructure, and state systems.
IsDB has since been a trusted partner, supporting the people and Government of Uganda through the restoration of critical infrastructure. For example, the Bank has financed construction of road networks, transmission lines, irrigation schemes, health and education related projects, including approval of loan to construct a bridge over the source of River Nile. This will replace ferry and ease transportation, thus also opening economic opportunities for communities.
"LEGS gives effect to the objectives of the Local Economic Development Policy 2014 and has provided a seamless interaction framework with the Parish Development Model.” – Mr. Raphael Magyezi, Minister of Local Government, Government of Uganda
IsDB’s investment in Uganda through the Lives and Livelihoods Fund (LLF) has been a milestone achievement for the country. The Fund started its field activities in 2019 through a US$ 33 million flagship initiative to construct rural infrastructure and $10 million IsDB Rural Finance Scheme loan for the Local Economic Growth Support (LEGS) Project, covering 17 districts. The LEGS project is a collaborative initiative of global partners such as the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, IsDB, the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development, and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre.
LLF’s work in Uganda supports a range of direct and indirect sectors, while focusing on three programmatic pillars: (a) agricultural productivity and value chain development; (b) sustainable and inclusive economic growth; and (c) human capital and institutional capacity development.
The Fund’s strategic investments are forging meaningful links between humanitarian, long-term development, governance, climate, and peace and security, demonstrated through infrastructure development, adoption of renewable energy, institutional capacity development, and gender and youth integration. The LLF donor partners witnessed the impacts of LEGS Project during a mission visit to Uganda from 14-18 August 2023.
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